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Sienna Iniestra


Dear Delegates,


My name is Sienna Iniestra, and I am thrilled to be your Chair of the Security Council. I am 16 years old and a junior at International American School of Cancun. My plan for the future is to study business or medicine in Europe, in which case I would like to specialize in pediatric surgery. I deeply enjoy cooking and baking, as well as spending time with my friends and family. 


This will be my 7th MUN conference. I have previously participated in conferences like GUAMUN, LASALLECUNMUN, PLAYAMUN, and CancunMUN. Last year I had the pleasure of being Co-Chair of WHO; however, it has always been my goal to be Chair of the Security Council. The Security Council is one of the six main organs of the United Nations. In this committee we will be discussing international peace and security issues. 


This year my expectations for all delegates is that you will take on this conference with seriousness. I also expect all delegates to do as much research as possible to have a rich debate. Please remember that the background guides should not be your only source of information. Having extra research on your country and other countries participating will help you in the debate! Despite this being a serious conference, I have hopes that you will have fun while also learning. Any doubts you may have please do not hesitate to contact me at


Wish you the best of luck and see you soon!


Sienna Iniestra, Chair

Security Council

Isabella Astudillo


Dear Delegates, 


My name is Isabella Astudillo, and I’m pleased to be your co-chair of the Security Council this year. I am 17 years old and a junior at International American School of Cancun. In my spare time I enjoy hanging out with friends, listening to music, dancing ballet and reading. Moreover, I am interested in studying engineering in agrobiotechnology or related fields in Europe.  


Along the past years I have participated in several MUN conferences, making this one my sixth. I have been a delegate of CancunMUN in committees such as the General Assembly, and World Health Organization, La Salle’s MUN in the Security Council, as well as PLAYAMUN. During these conferences I have gained vast experience, and this year I finally have the honour of being your Co-Chair of the Security Council. This Committee is one of the main six organs of the United Nations and it mainly discusses the preservation of peace and security. 


For this conference, I expect all of my delegates to be prepared, confident and more importantly excited. Remember that this committee is one of the most challenging ones; therefore, I expect a rich, serious, and enjoyable debate. We remind you that we have provided you with reliable resources. Any concerns or questions feel free to contact me at Wish you the best of luck during the conference!

Isabella Astudillo Co-chair,

Security Council


Committee Difficulty: 4



Sienna Iniestra


Isabella Astudillo


Mitigating Terrorist Acts of the Islamic States in Iraq and the Levant 


Discussing the Partition and Militarization of the Arctic Circle


Conference based in Cancun, Mexico





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