Ania Arjona
Fellow Delegates,
My name is Ania Arjona, and I’m enthusiastic about being Chair of the General Assembly this year. I am a senior at the International American School of Cancun, and I am 17 years old. In my free time I like to read, dance, bake, and hang out with friends. I’m not yet sure of what my future will look like because I have a lot of passions, but it has always been my dream to study both astronomy and law.
This will be my 7th MUN conference. The first time I participated in MUN I was in UNICEF, where I won Honorable Mention for Best Delegate. My second time was in the Security Council, where I won Best Position Paper. I also participated in RIMUN (Italy), and LaSalleMUN in ICJ where I was awarded Best Presentation of the Case. I was then later Chair of the Security Council, where I won Honorable Mention for Best Chair. More recently, I participated in CMUNCE (New York) as a delegate. Participating in MUN as a delegate has encouraged me to continue challenging myself, now as a chair of the General Assembly.
I am eager to be your Chair this year, but I do expect that all my delegates come not only prepared and confident, but also excited. But remember that this is not only a fun experience, it is also a serious role to take on. The General Assembly is one of the most important committees of the UN, and this is why I expect you to do your best so we can have an outstanding and rich debate. Be sure to use the resources we have provided and use reliable sources. Additionally, please be respectful; discourtesy will not be tolerated.
With that being said, if you have any concerns or questions please feel free to contact me at
I look forward to meeting you at the General Assembly this year. Good Luck Delegates!
Ania Arjona, Chair
General Assembly
Alina Sobotovych
Welcome Delegates!
My name is Alina Sobotovych, and I hold a high regard for being your Co-Chair of the General Assembly CancunMUN 2025. I am 17 years old, a senior attending the International American School of Cancun. In my free time I entertain myself by playing tennis, shopping, going to the gym and spending time with my friends and family. Later on after I graduate in 2026, I will be studying law in the United States after my bachelors degree.
This would be my fourth MUN conference. I was a delegate in the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime of CancunMUN 2023 and in the previous year I was a delegate in the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice of CancunMUN 2022. I previously was the Co-chair of the United States Senate of CancunMUN 2024. I had great experiences being part of these conferences.
My goal is to create a healthy, comfortable, professional and competitive environment in this committee. Take into account that your background guide should not be your only source of information. I expect all the delegates attending this conference to be well informed, well prepared, well mannered and confident. I am looking forward to seeing all of the delegates debating in this conference.
I am so very delighted to be working with all of you. If any of you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me at I wish you the best of luck delegates!
Alina Sobotovych, Co-Chair
General Assembly