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Order of Sessions

  1. The Chair calls the session to order

  2. Roll call - Dias takes attendance, and countries state whether they are present or present and voting.​​

     -  If you state you are present and voting you may not abstain from voting.

  1. Motion to open the session – the debate is formally now open

  2. Motion to set the agenda – the committee decides which topic will be discussed (either A or B)

  3. Speaker's List: delegates are invited to sign up on the list of speakers who will present their speeches. All conferences start here.

  4. After quite a few speeches, delegates usually will move into one of the following options:

    • Moderated Caucus: After a few formal speeches, committees usually move to a moderated caucus.  The committee leader calls on students to make short speeches - this is faster and more dynamic than the formal speeches.

    • Unmoderated Caucus: all delegates may move freely around the room and speak to whomever they would like. This is used later in the conference. Eventually, this is where you write working papers, draft resolutions, and final resolutions.

  5. After each caucus, debate usually returns to the formal speeches, until there are resolutions ready.

  6. Resolutions are presented: usually after each resolution is projected and read out loud, there is time for questions. Then:

    • Committee may move into voting procedure to vote on the resolutions

    • Committee may decide to write amendments (changes) to the resolutions

  7. After voting and choosing a resolution, the session is closed. 

Conference based in Cancun, Mexico





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